Inspirational Bible Verse of the Day

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Bible Verse #15: STAYING FAITHFUL TO GOD – Importance & Benefits - Inspirational Bible Verses of the Day

“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully…” Genesis 17:1

O that we may walk before God as God requires of us!

Many ask, “How should the believer walk with or before God?”

We may say many things in answer to this question, but the above-cited Bible verse gives a very simple answer – a believer should walk before God faithfully.

If you really want to walk with God better, and were wondering how you could do it, then right here is the solution to your wondering; all you need to do is to walk with Him faithfully.

After examining how you have walked with God till now, you will surely identify some areas, a handful or numerous of them, in which you have deviated from the faithfulness that’s required of you. Correct each one of them today, right now, because the next minute is not guaranteed to you.

But what’s the definition of faithful? English is a second language for me, so I need to check the definitions of some English words now and then.

An online check for the definition of ‘faithful’ returned the following: “remaining loyal and steadfast.” Glory to God!

Just to be certain, I decided to look up the definitions of loyal and steadfast.

I found out that the word loyal means “showing firm and constant allegiance.This is getting more interesting.

I also found that the word steadfast means “the quality of being resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.”

These definitions got me thinking. They are simply profound, given the topic.

From the above-cited definitions, I itemize below the words that describe how we should walk before God. If you understand the words, it means you know how to proceed in your walk with the Father; but of course, the choice remains yours as to how you would proceed to conduct your life.

Listen to the words:

·       loyally;

·       unwavering;

·       with firmness;

·       with constant allegiance;

·       steadfastly;

·       dutifully;

·       resolutely.

Granted some of the words could be duplicated but itemizing them all is most likely to give you the picture that I want you to see.

If only we could attain this status before God and maintain it going forward, our lives would surely never remain the same!

Note carefully the following verse: “Then I will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.” Genesis 17:2

We are in the season of grace. I however want you to know that grace does not absolve us of our obligation to act right before God. Grace should actually encourage us to always align our conduct with the will of God. Sometimes we misconstrue grace, leading us into living lesser lives than we ought to before God. God told Abraham to walk faithfully before Him, “then [He] will make His covenant between [Him] and [Abraham] and will greatly increase [Abraham’s] numbers.

If you are faithful before God, He will give you a new name, a name that you may not use in this life, but a heavenly name by which the Father will call you. The new name means that God sees you in a new light, He can trust you, He can depend on you, He can confide in you, and He respects you because of your faithfulness.

“No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham …” Genesis 17:5

I think that if God decides to use somebody, He would have first conducted a careful assessment of the being. Normally, God chooses somebody He trusts will always follow through with His will or instructions in every situation. And this is independent of how the person would have walked before God before, as long as the person gets to the required turning point in his/her life.

“On that very day, Abraham took his son Ishmael and all those born in his household or bought with his money, every male in his household, and circumcised them, as God told him.” Genesis 17:23

Circumcision is not the message here. What I want you to see in this verse is that Abraham did exactly as God had commanded him, thereby demonstrating his faithfulness.

How should we walk before God? Faithfully.

Quite a lesson it is for us believers.

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