Inspirational Bible Verse of the Day

Friday, 16 December 2022

Bible Verse #7: MIND THE SIN - Powerful Bible Verses

“… sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7

Sin runs after the Christian every second of the Christian’s life.

Sin desires the Christian so much that it does not relent in its pursuit. Imagine being pursued by a hungry lion!

Are Christians always alert to this reality? The truth is that Christians get into their comfort zone sometimes, fooling themselves that all is in order, yet our pursuer never rests.

The Bible teaches us to be always alert; I now understand this more clearly; it’s because our tempter is breathing down our necks, roaring like thunder.

Sin is crouching at the Christian’s door right now and always.

I sometimes ask myself why the believer could fall into sin. I have come up with a few possible reasons, as follows: -

  • The believer is more of a weakness practitioner than a strength practitioner. Under such circumstances, the believer tries to justify their sin using various adjectives, verbs adverbs.
  • The believer wants to fit in with peers, family, and the community at large. Some kind of peer pressure, yet being a Christian means being different from non-Christians in specific aspects of life. 
  • The believer obeys people more than he/she obeys God. Sometimes a believer goes with people’s will when they clearly know that God’s will with regard to the specific matter or situation is totally different.

We need to be strong; we need to resist sin even to the extent of shedding our blood.

Here is the good part of the bible verse: “… you must rule over sin.” This instruction comes from God. God instructs the believer to rule over sin. He expects it of us. We might try to give excuses why we cannot dominate sin; but do you think that God would give such instruction to people who cannot implement it?

So, all the Christian needs is the will to avoid and overcome any kind of sin or temptation. The energy that works in us to achieve this comes from God. The enabler is the spirit of God, from above; but the Spirit of God only works with those that are willing.

Are you willing to be directed by the Spirit of God? Are you willing to avoid the things that you currently find succulent? Or are you going to just explain your sins away?

Some continue to sin, and if you remind them of their folly in doing this they argue, “God is good; He will forgive me.”

Of course, God will forgive you, but do you think He also tolerates abuse from you?

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