Inspirational Bible Verse of the Day

Thursday, 15 December 2022

Bible Verse #6: STRIVE FOR GREAT OUTCOMES - Motivational Scriptures

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” Genesis 1:31

How beautiful it would be for you to look at the outcomes you have achieved and conclude that they are not just good, but very good!

It all starts with the decisions you make, with the will to obtain great results. It also starts with planning or a simple desire in your heart that all the products of your efforts should be great. It is so for whatever area of your life.

One more thing, and quite important also, you have to work towards your desired outcomes; effort is required for success.

God started by visualizing that which He intended to create. He then took action toward the achievement of His desired outcomes. Although He was simply commanding things into being, that was work or effort that God made towards the results that He desired. That is why God had to set aside a day for rest, rest related to work or activity.

Yours should be a life of good outcomes, both in the spiritual and physical spheres. Indeed, good outcomes overall, but especially in your relationship with God, with your family, and with your community. After all, life is about relationships. So, you need to direct adequate effort towards such crucial aspects of life.

“It is very good,” you should conclude as you look at what you would have achieved or how you would have handled specific situations.

An approach to life worth emulating!

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