Inspirational Bible Verse of the Day

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Bible Verse #10: AS THE LORD COMMANDS - Short Encouraging Bible Verses

And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.” Genesis 7:5

It’s always inspiring to read the above-cited Bible verse, or any other scripture similar to it. Noah did all that the Lord commanded him; doesn’t this encourage you to act likewise?

God was about to bring floods onto the earth; in making the decision, God remembered Noah. May God remember you whenever a calamity of any kind is about to come near you!

Let us now consider why God had Noah at heart to such an extent. It was because He found Noah righteous compared with the other people of his generation.

This was before the era of grace because grace came through Jesus Christ and Noah live well before Jesus came to the world. So, the attribute that made Noah stand out from the rest before God was his obedience.

Obedience to God is as important in this current age of grace as it was during Noah’s days. Grace was never intended to be a license for disobedience! Remember, Christ Himself obeyed His Father at all times. Every Christian is expected to conduct their life likewise.

Noah did not obey God sometimes; he obeyed Him always. Noah did not do some of the things God commanded; He did all that he was commanded. God help us!

God comes to our rescue if our gaze stays on Him.

We seek the hand of the Lord whenever we face difficulties. Here’s how the hand of the Lord was manifested in Noah’s life: after every eligible creature had entered the ark, “… the Lord shut him [Noah] in” Genesis 5:16. I would love such an experience in my life, regularly!

Quite a motivating scripture, isn’t it?

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