Inspirational Bible Verse of the Day

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Bible Verse #13: IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS - Popular Bible Verses

He took him outside and said, "Look up at the

sky and count the stars — if indeed you can

count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your

offspring be.

Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness. Genesis 15:5-6

We all learn new lessons every day.

The question of righteousness has exercised the minds of many since time immemorial.

We all have views about righteousness, especially relating to how to attain it. Some people are actively doing certain things to become righteous, working for it, trying to earn it.

But let’s take a step back and try to answer a very important question, which goes, “What can I do to be righteous?” What do you think you should do to become righteous or to live righteously?

It’s a fascinating question, and probably a complex one for some.

You must be righteous. You must live a righteous life. You must strive for it. The elephant in the room is: 'how does one live righteously?'.

We normally prefer the hard way, which in this case won’t generate the result that we require.

The simple answer is that you do not need physical work to become righteous. Righteousness is not earned but credited or imputed.

The opening Bible verse states that God credited righteousness to Abram. Why was it credited to him? It was because Abram took a very simple attitude and approach, something that did not involve expending energy as in digging trenches and lifting heavy loads. Abram simply believed God, and the rest is history!

It’s a decision that you can make right away, to believe God whatever the circumstances, no matter how the situation might appear.

Now consider this: God told Abram that his offspring shall be as numerous as the stars. If it were Mr. Dick who had received this promise, he probably would have discounted it immediately. “As numerous as the stars? That is just not possible under these circumstances!” Mr. Dick would probably have exclaimed.

We talk of the righteousness of God from God. It involves two things namely believing in Him and believing Him at every turn. It’s a gift, not a reward. The Lord died for those who did not deserve a reward.

So, sit back, relax, and put your trust in Him!

Paul, referring to this righteousness, said, “This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” Romans 3:22

But there is another kind of righteousness. It’s called self-righteousness and one gets it by crediting or imputing it to themselves. It normally relates to people engaged in some rigorous activity by which they think they can become righteous. This also tends to be an arrogant type of righteousness, like, “You see, I am extraordinary, I got this by myself!”

Believe in God. Believe Him always. Way to go!

Sunday, 15 January 2023

Bible Verse #12: OUR EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD - Powerful Bible Verses

“After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” Genesis 15:1

Let me put this matter into context.

Listen to this: “The LORD had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.’ Genesis 12:1

And now note what Abram did in response to God’s instruction: “So Abram went, as the LORD had told him…” Genesis 12:4

The action that Abram took in response to God’s instruction is a great example of what walking with God really means. Quite an inspiration!

God instructed Abram, and Abram did exactly as God had instructed him.

Have you ever noted that some people are quite articulate at explaining the Scriptures? Have you also noted, and sadly so, that some, probably quite a number, of such people do not practise what they know and teach? It’s truly bewildering! They know the will of God, but they choose to follow their own will instead!

The Bible teaches us to be doers of the Word, not just hearers or preachers of it. The Bible actually tells us that we deceive ourselves for as long as we remain just hearers of the Word and not doers of it. Can somebody claim to have faith, or to be a disciple of Christ, when they do not put His Word into practice?

I am persuaded that nothing beats the knowledge of the Word of God that is coupled with obedience. I am also persuaded that knowledge without practice is of very limited value; it would actually be a deception! I am further persuaded that the devil is always powerless before a believer who puts into practice what the Word of God teaches.

“After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” Genesis 15:1


After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, ‘Have no fear, Abram: I will keep you safe, and great will be your reward.’” [BBE translation]

I argue that these encouraging words are a result of how Abram responded to God’s voice. It started with Abram hearing the Word of God, in the form of the instruction given to him, followed by the action that Abram took consistent with the instruction.

So, God made a commitment to Abram that in difficult or challenging times, He was to be Abram’s shield or protector. God also promised Abram a very great reward.

A ‘great reward’ is excellent in itself, but a ‘very great reward’ that God promised Abram is beyond the human mind to comprehend. One Bible translation refers to it as an ‘exceeding great reward.’ It’s also available to you, but there is a price to pay. You need to ensure that under all circumstances your will gives way to the will of God.

Follow the will of God always; will you?

Saturday, 7 January 2023

Bible Verse #11: A LAND THAT BECKONS - Bible Verses for Today

“The LORD had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.’ Genesis 12:1

I will approach the above-cited Bible verse from a different angle.

I will refer to spiritual migration, not physical migration. I believe that is what the Bible verse was pointing to in the ultimate.

“Go from where you are, to a different place that I will show you,” God told Abram.

There is a place one can get to, a place one needs to get to, and only God can point one to such a place.

There is a spiritual place that is beckoning to each one of us.

God shouts “Go!”

“Come!” the spiritual place beckons.

I prefer to look at this matter this way; the spiritual place beckons not only to the unsaved but also to the saved. For both the saved and the unsaved, and until we depart from the earth, the spiritual place will always beckon to each of us.

The unsaved are invited to enter the spiritual place for the very first time. For the saved, this involves journeying within the spiritual place to even higher dimensions.

Journeying means moving from Point A to Point B.

If you do not move, then you are not journeying. However, many people forcefully claim to be journeying or to have journeyed even though they remain at Point A according to irrefutable evidence. It’s not in the talking, or the claiming, but in the actual steps evidently taken.

Spiritual migration does not necessarily involve physical migration. You can migrate from your country, your people, and your father’s household while you still live with them, and cordially so, under the same roof.

In the spirit, you can be totally different from the next person without necessarily engendering any kind of friction.

So, this is the call – we have to be always journeying, everybody!

Is this the kind of encouragement you are prepared to heed?

Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Bible Verse #10: AS THE LORD COMMANDS - Short Encouraging Bible Verses

And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.” Genesis 7:5

It’s always inspiring to read the above-cited Bible verse, or any other scripture similar to it. Noah did all that the Lord commanded him; doesn’t this encourage you to act likewise?

God was about to bring floods onto the earth; in making the decision, God remembered Noah. May God remember you whenever a calamity of any kind is about to come near you!

Let us now consider why God had Noah at heart to such an extent. It was because He found Noah righteous compared with the other people of his generation.

This was before the era of grace because grace came through Jesus Christ and Noah live well before Jesus came to the world. So, the attribute that made Noah stand out from the rest before God was his obedience.

Obedience to God is as important in this current age of grace as it was during Noah’s days. Grace was never intended to be a license for disobedience! Remember, Christ Himself obeyed His Father at all times. Every Christian is expected to conduct their life likewise.

Noah did not obey God sometimes; he obeyed Him always. Noah did not do some of the things God commanded; He did all that he was commanded. God help us!

God comes to our rescue if our gaze stays on Him.

We seek the hand of the Lord whenever we face difficulties. Here’s how the hand of the Lord was manifested in Noah’s life: after every eligible creature had entered the ark, “… the Lord shut him [Noah] in” Genesis 5:16. I would love such an experience in my life, regularly!

Quite a motivating scripture, isn’t it?

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Bible Verse #27: THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD – The Battle is Never Yours - Inspirational Bible Scriptures and Verses

“But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless a mighty hand compels him. So I will stretch out my hand …” Exodus 3: 19-20 I...