Inspirational Bible Verse of the Day

Friday, 23 December 2022

Bible Verse #9: WALKING WITH GOD DAILY - Inspirational Bible Verses

“Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.” Genesis 5:24

While we live in this world, before we die, every second of our lives, the call is for us to live faithfully with God.

We have been given a great example to emulate, the example of a man who did exactly that. According to the opening bible verse, “Enoch walked faithfully with God.” What a powerful role model! What an inspiration Enoch was and still is to believers!

Walking faithfully with God is a result of a deliberate decision that one makes. It certainly depends on the extent to which one is devoted to the will of God, whether one has truly surrendered, or they just use their powerful communication skills to claim so.

A person who surrendered or fully surrendered to God will walk faithfully with Him. Deceivers won’t walk faithfully with God because they won’t and can’t. The weak demonstrate huge variability in their approval ratings regarding this matter depending on the day of the week or minute of the hour.

God is not looking for those who have not surrendered or those who have partially surrendered (if there is such a thing). God is not looking for those who will walk in weakness; He is not a God of weakness, which is why the bible encourages believers to always stand strong.

The worshippers that God seeks worship Him in spirit and in truth. Such worshippers walk faithfully with God. I cannot imagine somebody not walking faithfully with God claiming to be walking in spirit and in truth.

There is something quite encouraging about walking faithfully with God. A person who walks faithfully with God never dies; instead, God takes them away. Isn’t that a refreshing view of death?

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Bible Verse #8: IN THE LIKENESS OF GOD - Bible Verse of the Day

When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God.” Genesis 5:1

This bible verse evokes a strong feeling in me; a feeling of belonging, of walking together, of being accepted, loved, protected, and guided by Him.

The bible verse makes me meditate daily on my true identity  who I am in this world, and what my priorities are or should be in this short life.
Every Christian, as born again, should strive to live their life exclusively within the God context.

God created mankind. Some people do not believe this; some do. I believe it. After all, life is about choices, and everybody has the free will to exercise.

I hail from God, so I believe, and this has everything to do about everything that pertains to my life.

God made mankind in His likeness. Doesn’t this inspire you? Won’t you stop looking down on yourself and start to excel in who you really are or are meant to be?

Stand straight; believe that you resemble Him because you do. You carry the nature of God in you; that’s why He takes you to be His child. You have the DNA of your Father. That’s your true identity!

Since we carry the nature of God inside us, let us strive to demonstrate this outwardly.

If God does not play with dirt, so shouldn't we. If God is slow to anger, so should we. If God is forgiving, so should we. If God is kind, so should we. If God loves people, so should we. If God is patient, so should we. That’s our challenge.

May our lives, not just our tongues, demonstrate to the world who we really are as Christians. Take the first step; make the first correction today. Kick out all traits that could be at cross-purposes with your true identity!

Friday, 16 December 2022

Bible Verse #7: MIND THE SIN - Powerful Bible Verses

“… sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7

Sin runs after the Christian every second of the Christian’s life.

Sin desires the Christian so much that it does not relent in its pursuit. Imagine being pursued by a hungry lion!

Are Christians always alert to this reality? The truth is that Christians get into their comfort zone sometimes, fooling themselves that all is in order, yet our pursuer never rests.

The Bible teaches us to be always alert; I now understand this more clearly; it’s because our tempter is breathing down our necks, roaring like thunder.

Sin is crouching at the Christian’s door right now and always.

I sometimes ask myself why the believer could fall into sin. I have come up with a few possible reasons, as follows: -

  • The believer is more of a weakness practitioner than a strength practitioner. Under such circumstances, the believer tries to justify their sin using various adjectives, verbs adverbs.
  • The believer wants to fit in with peers, family, and the community at large. Some kind of peer pressure, yet being a Christian means being different from non-Christians in specific aspects of life. 
  • The believer obeys people more than he/she obeys God. Sometimes a believer goes with people’s will when they clearly know that God’s will with regard to the specific matter or situation is totally different.

We need to be strong; we need to resist sin even to the extent of shedding our blood.

Here is the good part of the bible verse: “… you must rule over sin.” This instruction comes from God. God instructs the believer to rule over sin. He expects it of us. We might try to give excuses why we cannot dominate sin; but do you think that God would give such instruction to people who cannot implement it?

So, all the Christian needs is the will to avoid and overcome any kind of sin or temptation. The energy that works in us to achieve this comes from God. The enabler is the spirit of God, from above; but the Spirit of God only works with those that are willing.

Are you willing to be directed by the Spirit of God? Are you willing to avoid the things that you currently find succulent? Or are you going to just explain your sins away?

Some continue to sin, and if you remind them of their folly in doing this they argue, “God is good; He will forgive me.”

Of course, God will forgive you, but do you think He also tolerates abuse from you?

Thursday, 15 December 2022

Bible Verse #6: STRIVE FOR GREAT OUTCOMES - Motivational Scriptures

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” Genesis 1:31

How beautiful it would be for you to look at the outcomes you have achieved and conclude that they are not just good, but very good!

It all starts with the decisions you make, with the will to obtain great results. It also starts with planning or a simple desire in your heart that all the products of your efforts should be great. It is so for whatever area of your life.

One more thing, and quite important also, you have to work towards your desired outcomes; effort is required for success.

God started by visualizing that which He intended to create. He then took action toward the achievement of His desired outcomes. Although He was simply commanding things into being, that was work or effort that God made towards the results that He desired. That is why God had to set aside a day for rest, rest related to work or activity.

Yours should be a life of good outcomes, both in the spiritual and physical spheres. Indeed, good outcomes overall, but especially in your relationship with God, with your family, and with your community. After all, life is about relationships. So, you need to direct adequate effort towards such crucial aspects of life.

“It is very good,” you should conclude as you look at what you would have achieved or how you would have handled specific situations.

An approach to life worth emulating!

Thursday, 8 December 2022

Bible Verse #5: THE CHRISTIAN SOUL FOOD - Encouraging Bible Verses to Live By

“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” John 4:34

I find this to be a very powerful declaration! How encouraging it is to the Christian soul!

Consider the scripture quoted above. Jesus had not eaten anything up to this time of day. The disciples knew therefore that Jesus was hungry; so, they brought Him some food and asked Him to spare some time to eat.

But note Jesus’ response!

First Jesus told the disciples that He had food to eat that they did not know anything about. Of course, the disciples would not have known anything about the food Jesus referred to because they had never considered it to be food; this is why they wondered if somebody had already brought Jesus some food to eat.

Then Jesus explained, “My food… is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” John 4:34

Jesus’ response challenges me to the bone!

Just imagine how important food is. Food gives us energy; it keeps us active. Food maintains our health and all our body parts in perfect form and functionality. Food gives us life; without it, nobody survives.

That is the importance of physical food to human beings.

Yet Jesus, in my view, takes this to be a lower level in the food category. There is a higher level of ‘food’, the one that has to be taken ahead of lunch and dinner! Man shall not live by bread alone; I now understand this better.

What was Jesus’ favorite food? It was “to do the will of him who sent Him and to finish His work.” What a mindset!

Doing the will of God should be the Christian’s favorite food. Not pizza! Not burgers! Not ice cream!

Check this. Jesus effectively said, “I get energy from doing the will of God. I function better when I am in the will of God. I am alive only to the extent that I am functioning within the will of God. I get the strength and the desire to go on with life only when I am in the perfect will of God. Earthly life is meaningless if I operate outside of the will of God.”

Something like that did Jesus teach His disciples.

A mindset to emulate, isn’t it?

Saturday, 3 December 2022

Bible Verse #4: THEY WILL CALL YOU "BLESSED" - Bible Verses with Interpretations and Explanations

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him.” Psalm 34:8

Who does not want to be blessed? Who does not want to be called ‘blessed’?

What should one do to be blessed?

Here is a simple formula you should follow if you want to be blessed – trust in the Lord. Believe in Him.

I have heard of various formulae that people have used or are still using in the quest for them to be blessed of the Lord. I cannot vouch for one or the other, but I am sure that if such formulae do not equate to trusting or believing in the Lord then the formulae will fall flat – they will not result in the achievement of the intended objective.

Blessings come from an appropriate relationship with the Lord.

I want to use only the text of the opening Bible verse to explain why one will be called blessed if they trust/believe in the Lord – it is because the Lord is good!

If you trust in the one who is good, then you are blessed. The Lord wants only the good to be associated with your life.

But how good is the Lord? Again, I will use only the text in the opening Bible verse to answer this question: the Lord is so good that His goodness overwhelmed the Psalmist.

The Psalmist could not contain the Lord’s goodness to the extent that he called out to fellow humans, “O taste and see!”

That is how good the Lord is! Nothing compares to His goodness!

In conclusion, I urge you to remain in the Lord’s goodness. I am sure you have already tasted and seen how good He is!

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Bible Verse #27: THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD – The Battle is Never Yours - Inspirational Bible Scriptures and Verses

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